How does the schedule of this mentorship works?

Once you signed up for a mentorship program, I will send you an agreement with details / documents that you will receive, time schedule that fits your availability, and other details of the mentorship. For the 4-hour Mentorship, that is scheduled 1 hour per week and the 8-hour Mentorship for 2 hours per week.

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Do I need to prepare anything during the mentorship?

A pen and paper will do and don't forget to bring your best self to acquire the knowledge and information you will need for these meetings.

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Can I still reach out after the scheduled mentorship meetings for guidance?

You can always connect with me for your future business and investing concerns. I have plenty of information to share that will definitely help you out. In case you want to extend the mentorship, I can offer a discounted consultation to you as one of my consultees.

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